Editing Options:

--margin LENGTH

Aliases: -m

Set sections near "loud" as "loud" too if section is less than LENGTH away

--edit METHOD

Set an expression which determines how to make auto edits

--export EXPORT:ATTRS?

Aliases: -ex

Choose the export mode

--output FILE

Aliases: --output-file -o

Set the name/path of the new output file

--silent-speed NUM

Aliases: -s

Set speed of sections marked "silent" to NUM

--video-speed NUM

Aliases: --sounded-speed -v

Set speed of sections marked "loud" to NUM

--cut-out [START,STOP ...]

The range of media that will be removed completely, regardless of the value of silent speed

--add-in [START,STOP ...]

The range of media that will be added in, opposite of --cut-out

--set-speed-for-range [SPEED,START,STOP ...]

Aliases: --set-speed

Set an arbitrary speed for a given range

Timeline Options:

--frame-rate NUM

Aliases: -fps -r --time-base -tb

Set timeline frame rate

--sample-rate NAT

Aliases: -ar

Set timeline sample rate

--resolution WIDTH,HEIGHT

Aliases: -res

Set timeline width and height

--background COLOR

Aliases: -b

Set the background as a solid RGB color

URL Download Options:

--yt-dlp-location PATH

Set a custom path to yt-dlp

--download-format FORMAT

Set the yt-dlp download format (--format, -f)

--output-format TEMPLATE

Set the yt-dlp output file template (--output, -o)

--yt-dlp-extras CMD

Add extra options for yt-dlp. Must be in quotes

Display Options:

--progress PROGRESS

Set what type of progress bar to use


Show debugging messages and values


Aliases: -q

Display less output


Aliases: --stats

Show stats on how the input will be cut and halt

Container Settings:


Disable the inclusion of subtitle streams in the output file


Disable the inclusion of data streams in the output file


Enable movflags +faststart, recommended for web (default)


Disable movflags +faststart, will be faster for large files


Use fragmented mp4/mov to allow playback before video is complete See: https://ffmpeg.org/ffmpeg-formats.html#Fragmentation


Do not use fragmented mp4/mov for better compatibility (default)

Video Rendering:

--video-codec ENCODER

Aliases: -vcodec -c:v

Set video codec for output media

--video-bitrate BITRATE

Aliases: -b:v

Set the number of bits per second for video

-vprofile PROFILE

Aliases: -profile:v

Set the video profile. For h264: high, main, or baseline

--scale NUM

Scale the output video's resolution by NUM factor


Disable file seeking when rendering video. Helpful for debugging desync issues

Audio Rendering:

--audio-codec ENCODER

Aliases: -acodec -c:a

Set audio codec for output media

--audio-bitrate BITRATE

Aliases: -b:a

Set the number of bits per second for audio


Mix all audio streams together into one


Don't mix all audio streams into one when exporting (default)

--audio-normalize NORM-TYPE

Apply audio rendering to all audio tracks. Applied right before rendering the output file



When set, look for `config.pal` and run it


Don't look for or write a cache file


Do not open the output file after editing is done

--temp-dir PATH

Set where the temporary directory is located

--player CMD

Aliases: -p

Set player to open output media files


Aliases: -V

Display version and halt