Installing Auto-Editor

First, download and install Python 3.

If you are installing on Windows, make sure "Add Python 3.13 to PATH" is checked.

Once that's done, you should have pip on your PATH. That means when you run pip3 on your console, you should get a list of commands and not command not found. If you don't have pip on your PATH, try reinstalling Python.

Then run:

pip install auto-editor

Now run this command and it should list all the options you can use.

auto-editor --help

If that works then congratulations, you have successfully installed auto-editor. You can use now use this with any other type of video or audio that you have.

auto-editor C:path\to\your\video.mp4

When a new version of auto-editor is be available, it's recommended that you upgrade so you always get the latest improvements and bug fixes. Upgrade by running:

pip install auto-editor --upgrade

If you would like to uninstall auto-editor, run:

pip uninstall auto-editor


# Install version 26.3.3
pip install auto-editor==26.3.3

# Installing and Running the Latest Commit
pip install git+

Optional Dependencies

If yt-dlp is installed, auto-editor can download and use URLs as inputs.

auto-editor ""

Dealing with "Not recognized as a command" error

Instead of using:

auto-editor [options]


py -m auto_editor [options]