Range Syntax

How Do I Cut the Beginning or End Segment in My Video?

Range syntax is useful for making manual edits in addition to automatic edits. Here's how you cut out the first and last 30 seconds:

auto-editor video.mp4 --cut-out start,30sec -30sec,end

You can also guarantee those sections would be included, regardless of loudness with:

auto-editor video.mp4 --add-in start,30sec -30sec,end

How Range Syntax Works

The --add-in, --cut-out, --mark-as-loud, --mark-as-silent options all use time range syntax.

It describes two numbers, the start and end point, separated by a singe comma ,. The start number is inclusive, while the end number is exclusive.

# This will cut out the first frame: frame 0
auto-editor example.mp4 --cut-out 0,1

# This will cut out five frames: frames 0, 1, 2, 3, 4
# frame 5 will still exist because the end point is exclusive
auto-editor example.mp4 --cut-out 0,5

# Cuts out 60 frames
auto-editor example.mp4 --cut-out 10,70

# No frame will be cut here
auto-editor example.mp4 --cut-out 0,0


Time range syntax allows two variables: start and end

start is the same as 0

end is the length of the timeline before any edits are applied.

# This will mark everything in the beginning as silent
auto-editor example.mp4 --mark-as-silent start,300

# This will mark everything besides the beginning as loud
auto-editor example.mp4 --mark-as-loud 300,end

# This will cut out everything
auto-editor example.mp4 --cut-out start,end


The default unit is the timeline's timebase. Since specifying the range in this unit can sometimes be annoying. You can use the sec unit to specify the range in seconds. (Note that the seconds range will be rounded to the nearest timebase to you don't have any more precision than usual).

# Cut out the first 10 seconds.
auto-editor example.mp4 --cut-out start,10secs

You can also use s, sec, second, or seconds, depending on your preference.

Multiple Ranges

All options discussed here support specifying multiple ranges at the same time. Overlapping ranges are allowed.

auto-editor example.mp4 --cut-out 0,20 45,60, 234,452

Negative Indexes

Negative numbers can be used to count down starting from the end.

Speed for Range

The --set-speed-for-range option has a slight twist on time range syntax. It accepts three numbers. speed, start, and end, separated by commas. speed can be a decimal number, but not negative. start and end work as described above.

# Set the speed to 2x from frame 0 to frame 29
auto-editor example.mp4 --set-speed-for-range 2,0,30

# Set the speed to 0.5x
auto-editor example.mp4 --set-speed-for-range 0.5,start,end